Graded Discount Scheme for Premium Special trains

Graded Discount Scheme for Premium Special trains

As per the directives of Railway Board, graded discount scheme has been introduced to increase the patronage in Premium trains, as part of flexi fare scheme for Premium trains. The discount scheme will be applicable for all the premium trains such as Rajdhani, Shatabdi and Duronto special train services.

This discount scheme, which is based on occupancy rate, would be applicable only for passengers who are booking their tickets during 1-4 days ahead of the date of scheduled departure of the train.  The discount is permissible only in AC Chair car and 3-tier AC classes of accommodation. 

Discount Rate

If the accommodation by the train is 60% booked or less, 20% discount will be offered on Base fare.  If the occupancy is 70-80%, only 10% discount is given and where the occupancy is 80% or more, no discount is offered.  The discount is permissible only on base fare.  Other Charges like Reservation charges, Superfast Charges , GST, etc., will be levied separately. 

For instance, if the date of scheduled departure of the train is 15th November 2020, discount under the scheme will be offered, based on the occupancy rates, for bookings commencing from 11th November 2020 till 14th November 2020, i.e.,for 4 days ahead of the date of journey.

Passengers booking their tickets during 1-4 days before the scheduled departure of these trains need not exercise option for availing discount under the scheme.  The ticketing system itself would automatically allow discount permissible based on the occupancy rates varying from time to time.   The discounted fare can be availed by passengers booking tickets online as well as Railway PRS counters.

Discount validity period

In Southern Railway, this discount scheme can be availed for the Premium special train services (Rajdhani, Shatabdi & Duronto Special trains) leaving on 15th November 2020 and upto 31st December 2020 or till the introduction of regular time tabled train services, whichever is earlier.

The discounted fares will be offered on all parts of the journey, be it the first leg and/or last leg of journey and/or intermediate sections and/or end to end journey.





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