Partial Cancellation of Trains

Partial Cancellation of Trains

Due to Line Block/Power Block to facilitate LUS work between Erode and Tiruchchirappalli Fort Section, the following trains will be partially cancelled as detailed below:


Partial Cancellation of Trains:

·         Train No.06843 Tiruchchirappalli – Palakkad Town  Special Train leaving Tiruchchirappalli at 13.00 hrs on 13th March, 2021 is partially cancelled between Karur and Palakkad Town


·         Train No.06844 Palakkad Town – Tiruchchirappalli Special Train leaving Palakkad Town at 06.35 hrs on 19th March, 2021 is partially cancelled between Erode and Tiruchchirappalli


·         Train No.06843 Tiruchchirappalli – Palakkad Town  Special Train leaving Tiruchchirappalli at 13.00 hrs on 19th March, 2021 is partially cancelled between Tiruchchirappalli and Erode


·         Train No.06321 Nagercoil - Coimbatore Special Train leaving Nagercoil at 07.35 hrs on 19th March, 2021 is partially cancelled between Karur and Coimbatore



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தொடர்பு படிவம்


மின்னஞ்சல் *

செய்தி *

Blogger இயக்குவது.