Glass Ceiling Award by WLF
Women's League foundation's Glass Ceiling
Awards 2021 , were held on March 20, 2021 at PVR Cinemas ,Chennai . The event
started with the Annual Report presented by the Founder's of the organization
Divya Swapna Raj, Kavya Joshna Raj, Mohanalakshmi. Women's League foundation
has helped 1000's of women to be financially independent. The awards shine a
spotlight on women executives, entrepreneurs, employees and organizations run
by women and children.
Glass Ceiling Award trophies are presented to 50+ women's from 800+ applications received all over India. The high profile event was graced by prominent Business leaders and diplomats. More than 800+ nominations from organizations and individuals around Pan India were submitted this year for consideration in 15 categories . Response, from the 170 short listed nominees 50 women's have selected which includes 10+ Young change makers by the eminent Jury members. The funds raised during the event will be used towards the WLF's Village adoption program #Vijayabhavani.